Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Chemistry in Organisation

what we have read during our schooling/under graduation /post graduation phase of our career growth; nothing seems to be applicable viz

  1. NORMAL THEORY ----------- (+) ATTRACTS (-)
  3.                                               ----(+)DISTRACTS (-)
  4.                                               ----(-) DISTRACTS (+)
Understanding of Human Behaviour is as complex as DNA Loop.There is no distraction amongst negative people and immediately the group together to harm Organisational goals and Healthy management practises.Positive people(rare) never find their way in rendering goods to the organisation as they are dominated by the negative people(abundance).

      If an administrator fails to fit into the window's as shown below-

Proper mix of Motherly(affection) and Fatherly(administration) in day to day management is compulsory for better Organisational Efficiency.